Get the AWS EC2 instance metadata

M. Fahrizal Rahman
2 min readDec 11, 2018

Thu, Jul 21, 2016

Get the AWS EC2 instance metadata

Now you are ready to send the first commands to your EC2 linux instance. Let’s check the EC2 instance metadata by hitting a specific AWS node only available from within the instance itself.
Instance metadata is data about your instance that you can use to configure or manage the running instance. You can list all instance metadata by issuing the following command:

curl -w “\n”

You can easily check the list of security groups attached to the instance, its ID, the hostname, or the ID of the used AMI. These commands are extremely useful when you want to automate the setup of new instances:

curl -w “\n”

curl -w “\n”

curl -w “\n”

curl -w “\n”

curl -w “\n”

Finally, you can also get the public key of the attached Keypair using the public-keys metadata:

curl -w “\n”

Originally published at



M. Fahrizal Rahman

Rizal is a Matt Cutts fan who does DevOps and SysAdmin. in that order.